Coyotes are the most abundant canine in Yellowstone National Park. They are intelligent and adaptable animals, and they can be found throughout the park, in a variety of habitats.

by Michael
Coyotes are the most abundant canine in Yellowstone National Park. They are intelligent and adaptable animals, and they can be found throughout the park, in a variety of habitats.
by Michael
The east entrance is less traveled but still has so much to see. The east entrance goes from Cody, Wyoming to Fishing Bridge. Most of the grizzly bears that we saw on this trip were in this area.
by Michael
Elk rut typically occurs in September and October. This is one of the best times to visit Grand Teton National Park because of fall foliage, cooler weather and less tourists. Grand Teton National Park is a wildlife lover’s paradise, with a wide range of animals to see throughout the year. From West Yellowstone, it took about 2.5 hours to drive to Colter Bay in the Tetons.
by Michael
Saratoga is in southern Wyoming, only about 40 minutes from Colorado. The North Platte River runs through it, which is a Blue Ribbon trout fishing location. For us, it was all about the moose. From Dubois, Wyoming to Saratoga is was about a 3.5 hour drive.
by Michael
Dubois, Wyoming was about an hour drive from Moran, Wyoming. The town is mispronounced “due-boys” on purpose by the locals because they didn’t care for the man it was named after. Less than 1,000 people live here. The area attracts artists, writers, musicians, songwriters and photographers.
by Michael
Grand Teton National Park is a favorite because the mountains are young and rugged and rise straight up out of the plains to 13,775 feet. It has grizzly’s, black bear, elk and bison like Yellowstone, but not the insane crowds.