Wire Pass is about an hour’s drive east of Kanab, Utah towards Page, Arizona. It is a spectacular area to hike with stunning slot canyons.

Grand Plateau RV, Kanab, Utah

We’ve stayed here in the past. Grand Plateau is a newer RV park. They have 50-amp electric, very high-water pressure requiring a pressure regulator, sewer and fast WIFI good enough to stream. There is wide spacing between sites and some of them have views. We arrived during a cold spell with night time temperatures in the mid 20s. However, the cooler days were perfect for hiking.
Wire Pass

From Grand Plateau RV, it was about a 38-mile drive with 8 miles of it on washboard dirt road to reach the trailhead. This is a hike we wouldn’t have been able to do with Jake and although we miss him greatly, we have new freedoms to explore.

There was a large parking lot at the Wire Pass Trailhead sharing access to The Wave slot canyon.

Unfortunately, we once again, did not get the lottery for The Wave on this trip. Maybe one day, but we are getting older and not sure how many more opportunities we will have to make the difficult 7-mile round trip hike in the future. Luckily, we discovered Wire Pass on this trip instead.
Wire Pass to Buckskin Gulch
It is about a 4 miles round trip hike to explore the Wire Pass trail and some of Buckskin Gulch.

Because of recent rain, Buckskin Gulch had a lot of water and mud in it, so we weren’t able to get very far. We ended up hiking through a number of small slot canyons which were very impressive. Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona is also amazing, but the crowds at Antelope are a real negative. There was hardy anyone at Wire Pass.

Juniper berries have a history of medicinal qualities according to American Indians, which include the treatment of stomach aches, coughs and headaches. The dried seeds can be used for beading and in rattles. Juniper logs are used to build ceremonial hogans and other structures. Early Americans found the rot-resistant wood great for fence posts, shingles and firewood. The soft bark has been used as bedding, toilet paper and, when tightly twisted, as a slow-burning match. Their thick green foliage provides shade in an otherwise shadeless landscape. Their oddly twisted trunks, with branches pointing in all directions, have a mystical quality. Sadly, this variety of juniper is not the best for flavoring gin as it lacks the piney aroma and is a bit bitter.
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

The park consists of over 3,700 acres of stunning orange sand dunes and is at an elevation of about 6,000 feet. Coral Pink Sand Dunes allows for off road vehicles on 90% of the dunes.

Being here in November on a weekday, we only saw one vehicle on the dunes off in the distance, so we enjoyed a nice peaceful walk on the sand dunes.

There were quite a few deer. At a small mud hole there were bluebirds getting a drink. A red-tailed hawk.

Dinner at Wild Thyme Café. Previously, we had dinner at their sister restaurant in Springdale, Utah. The trout was delicious and the atmosphere better than Springdale.

We walked at a small reservoir in Kanab for some birding. A flock of Canada geese were just landing.

We were in Kanab during Halloween. The kindergarten kids were out trick-or-treating the local businesses. The locals had a very impressive pumpkin decorating contest.