It’s a desert oasis at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum because no matter what time of the year you visit there is water, there are animals and its green. The Desert Museum sustains plant life and provides habitat for animals to provide a refuge year round. It isn’t your typical museum. It’s a sprawling 98-acre wonderland that blends zoo, botanical garden, aquarium, art gallery, and natural history museum into a one-stop celebration of the Sonoran Desert. Here, amidst the cacti and desert sunshine, you’ll encounter desert creatures, discover the secrets of desert life, and be impressed by the region’s unique beauty.

Desert Oasis

It is a pleasure to stroll along approximately two miles of winding paths that weave through the Sonoran Desert habitats. There are cactus, desert wildflowers, and depending on the time of the day a variety of animals peeking out from their dens.

Some of the docents are extremely knowledgeable and set up stations to discuss particular aspects of the wildlife or plants in the area. Sometimes they bring a bird, plastic Gila monster, discuss desert plants, or stand outside an exhibit and talk about the animals inside it.

Gila woodpeckers make cavities in saguaro cactus to nest and only use them once. After that, a variety of birds including cactus wrens and owls will use them to nest or seek shelter.
Creatures Great and Small

The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is a haven for Sonoran Desert wildlife. They have an aquarium, frogs, turtles, stingrays, otters, bighorn sheep and a variety of lizards. The surrounding desert and animals transition seamlessly into the museum.

The walk-through aviary is a great place to see Sonoran Desert birds in addition to those that are wild around the property.

The mountain lion was enjoying the morning suns warmth.

There are also a few Mexican gray wolves. Reportedly, the museum will be building them a new enclosure.

We enjoyed seeing this coyote everyday sunning on his favorite rock.
Hummingbird Aviary

One of our favorites. Since COVID, the number of hummingbirds has gradually diminished and they haven’t been able to replace them because of regulations.

Now that COVID is somewhat in the rear view mirror, they are working on getting their rescue operations back in full swing.

Their reptile house is a great way to see venomous snakes up close.
More Than Just Exhibits, Desert Oasis

The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum offers a variety of programs and events that bring the Sonoran Desert to life. There are live animal presentations, mineral exhibits, a cave, art workshops/museum, lectures by desert experts, wine events and a delicious restaurant. All of this warrants repeated visits.