Backyard blooms and birds are a favorite around our neighborhood. Sandy keeps three bird feeders and suet well stocked around the yard. She also has a couple of hummingbird feeders and an oriole feeder. The birds love to drink and bathe in our large backyard fountain. There are so many different birds and blooms that it is impossible to post them all. This was just a very small sampling of what we see.

Backyard Birds

They are a pleasure to watch and listen to. We really miss them while traveling. However, it is a treat to see so many other kinds while we are on the road. The first thing we do when returning home is to put out the feeders and slowly watch the different birds rediscover them. Our neighbors also have feeders, so it doesn’t take long for them to figure out we are back. Since the neighbors also provide seeds and nectar, we don’t worry about leaving for a bit, knowing they will be taken care of and not dependent on just our feeders. In addition, there are so many wild sources for food year-round, our feeders just supplement their natural diets. There are finches, sparrows, doves, red wing blackbirds, hawks, crows, road runners, quail, doves, owls, mockingbirds, ducks, herons, egrets, and vultures.

A wrentit family. The parents were busy managing their young.

There are so many hummingbirds in our neighborhood. Most years they nest in our trees. The difficulty is stopping the gardeners from trimming the trees during nesting season.

We love seeing them. It could be our imagination, but whenever a feeder gets low they fly right up to us and hover until they get our attention.

The hawks love morning doves.

Hooded orioles love grape jelly.

Spotted munia were cage birds from Asia that manage to thrive wild in San Diego.
San Diego county has a plethora of year-round flowers because of its climate. Each season brings on new flowers. We have been slowing planting flowers that hummingbirds love. We just need to be home enough to get it done and redo our garden.

Magnolias never disappoint. Their flowers are huge and fragrant.

Not a fan of the thistle plant because they are so large, prickly and take over fields, but the blooms are stunning.

A calla lily.

Water lily.


We enjoy the variety.

A few more.

Across the street from our neighborhood is Goli’s. It is a pizza/martini bar that has live music.

Jake loves to walk around a series of small lakes in our neighborhood. He enjoys chasing the bullfrogs into the water and watching the ducks.

We’ve been back in our house for less than a year and are really enjoying it and our neighborhood. Our plan was to sell it, but now we think we stay awhile.