Holidays for us have been about visiting and celebrating with family and friends. Life on the road has made that a little bit difficult because most of our immediate family live in cold winter climates not suitable to visit in the motorhome. With COVID, visiting anyone wasn’t a good idea. We have a property in San Diego that has been rented, and in dire need of some TLC, so we spent some time there in social isolation, making repairs until our next adventure.

Home Repairs

Years of renters and neglect have taken a toll, but we were up for the challenge.

Sandy loves gardening. Her limitation was the amount the yard waste container could hold each week.

Even though it was December, there was so much in bloom. This Mexican Marigold puts on a nice fragrant display but only for about a month.
First thing Sandy did was to fertilize the yard and within weeks, the plants responded.

Birds of Paradise were everywhere.

The hummingbirds loved the abundant oozing nectar these flowers produce.
The Swain’s neck agave, agave attenuata, were amazing. They produce a huge curved flowering stalk like a swan’s neck, that slowly blooms, then the plant dies.
Many of the palms had ripening fruit on them.
San Diego does get some fall foliage, usually in December; enough to remind us how amazing fall can be in other parts of the country.

We think these are glossy ibis. They hang out in groups mostly in grassy areas.
Lake Hodges is a favorite area to hike, kayak and mountain bike. Usually hawks, rattlesnakes and coyotes can be seen. The bait shop has been closed for a long time, but they left the sign up.

The San Diego visit wasn’t all about home repairs. Doctor and dental visits were just one more thing on a long list to check off. Michael had cataract surgery, but needed a YAG laser treatment for capsule opacification. Waiting for the procedure with dilated eyes.
COVID Holidays

Our house is minimally furnished after 4 years living on the road. It was a treat to decorate a tree again. Some Photoshop fun with Jake.

Sandy made delicious scones.

On the solstice, December 21, the planets Jupiter and Saturn were in a rare alignment creating a “Christmas Star”.

The moon was looking amazing too.

Christmas Eve dinner’s pork loin was delicious.

Not much to do on Christmas, so I twirled lights while standing on a ladder to create this colorful holiday tree.

An amazing sunset, one of many during the holidays. We are very thankful for the incredible year we spent traveling the country. COVID has been so devastating. We are looking forward to the New Year, vaccines, and new adventures!