Flagler Beach was only a 30 minute drive south from St Augustine, Florida. We were looking forward to this destination because our coach would face directly at the Atlantic Ocean with that huge window providing day long tranquil views, but with the dramatic sounds of waves breaking day and night.

Beverly Beach Camptown RV Resort
Beverly Beach had full service, great satellite reception, and ok wifi. We liked being next to the stairs to the beach because of the easy beach access, larger site, and Jake had a lot more to look at. Overall, it was very quiet, minimal camp fires, and the park was only half full.
Watching the shorebirds everyday was a birding pleasure. Willits, Snowy Egrets and Sanderlings skirted along the shore break.
Brown Pelicans flying in formation over the breaking waves.
We were able to get some exercise by taking long walks along the beach everyday. The sea shelling was also very good. The strong draw to constantly look down for shells is amazing.

The sunrise each morning, with a cup of coffee, was definitely worth getting up for. The water appeared different every day; glassy, choppy, long smooth waves, violent larger ones.

And the sunsets, especially with a glass of wine, were amazing too.

A long exposure for the stars with the street lights reflecting on the waves created an interesting effect!
Bulow Plantation Ruins, Flagler Beach

Built in the early 1800s, it was the largest plantation in east Florida. It’s only a few miles west of Flagler Beach. The buildings were made from coquina sedimentary rock, which is composed of crushed sea shells.
Bulow grew indigo, sugarcane, cotton, and rice. The plantation was destroyed during the Seminole War of 1836. Remnants of the surgar mill are still there. The old wells had a banded water snake and lilies in them.

Manatees are known to frequent the river, but not while we were there.

Nearby were remnants of the Dummitt sugar and rum factory.

We came across a large group of vultures devouring last nights road kill.

An Osprey.

We saw them daily fishing along the coastline.

The pickle bar made an amazing cuban sandwich.
We really enjoyed watching Brown Pelicans fishing.
Even though we saw Dolphin everyday along the coastline, it was especially entertaining to watch them leap into the air on this afternoon. Love that telephoto camera lens!