Gold Beach was our first stop in Oregon after leaving the Redwoods in northern California. We were looking forward to a rugged coastline with sea stacks (large rocks in the water).

Gold Beach, Oregon

It seems as if it rained every day, but there were always breaks in the storms to go for a walk on the beach. It was wonderful to be the only ones on the beach.
Gold Beach Four Seasons RV Resort

We stayed at the Four Seasons RV Resort. It’s not far from Gold Beach along the Rogue River.

A wonderful small full service RV park along the Rogue River. The owner is entertaining. We spent hours exchanging stories with each other. He put us in one of the river sites. Because he was going to put more gravel on the pads, he didn’t book anyone else near us, a rare treat that left us feeling as if we were the only ones there.

Cliff Swallows were busy building nests.

Osprey looking for dinner. It was more successful than a nearby fishing boat.

Rufous Hummingbird.

Other than a lot of birding and locals fishing every day, this jet boat operator went flying by a couple times a day.

Rhododendron were in full bloom.

The Mary D. Hume was built and launched in Gold Beach in 1881. She had 97 years of active commercial sea service, the longest for any commercial vessel on the Pacific Coast. She rests on a sand bar and provides a home for marine life.

The coastline drive south of Gold Beach was beautiful. Jake enjoyed being off leash and exploring.

There was hardly anyone else on the beach.

There were iris blooming along the coast of Gold Beach.

Just north of Gold Beach is Port Orford. They had delicious fish tacos.

We had lunch at Redfin. The food and views were amazing.
Coos Bay, Oregon

We stayed at the Oceanside Beachfront Resort and enjoyed fish tacos from their food truck for lunch one day.

They had full service and good wifi. We slept so well hearing the waves break.

A short walk through tall grasses to the beach.
Jake really enjoyed his off leash beach walks.

He also loved smelling all the things washed up on the beach.
There were plenty of flowers and showers.
Newport, Oregon

Beautiful rocky coastline with a retired lighthouse on Yaquina Bay.

We stayed at Pacific Shores. It’s a luxury Class A motorcoach resort. Our site pulled in looking at the gorgeous Pacific Ocean.

We only stayed a week. It would have been nice to stay the entire summer season and watch the daily, if not hourly, changes in the weather, beach, tides and surf.
Jake once again loved the opportunity to run and explore, although he sprained a leg running on tide shelf rocks. It’s hard to keep the crazy dog down!

He was a good spotter for things to photograph.
It rained a lot. We took every break in the weather to go for a walk. This is the shelf Jake sprained his leg running on.

We had an early dinner at the Local Ocean restaurant. Their seafood was fresh off these boats and very delicious. They grew a few artichokes outside the restaurant.
Devils Punch Bowl State Park

Even though the tides weren’t perfect, we still saw some good waves crashing against the open cave.

We wine tasted. A novelty on the coast, but we didn’t buy any.
Oregon Coast Aquarium

A well done aquarium similar to the Stephen Birch Aquarium in La Jolla and the Montery Bay Aquarium.
The aquariums were impressive.