Big Cypress National Preserve differs from Everglades National Park in that, when it was established by law in 1974, the Miccosukee, Seminole and Traditional people were provided with permanent rights to occupy and use the land in traditional ways; in addition, they have first rights to develop income-producing businesses related to the resources and use of the preserve, such as guided tours. They and other hunters may use off-road vehicles, and home and business owners have been permitted to keep their properties in the preserve.
Big Cypress National Preserve
Amazing that this is the continental USA. Islands, warm water, boats, fresh fish, sailing, snorkeling, and bars! At least 80 degrees outside everyday and this is January. Its been over 30 years since I was last here. First time for Sandy. A little more developed and more tourists….but still the Florida Keys. Once past Key Largo, life slows down….then Key West.
Bahia Honda State Park
We had a couple of days to explore Fort Myers before loading up the RV. First thing we did was to drive to Sanibel and Captiva Islands and explore Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. It is an undeveloped mangrove forest that we were able to drive through and look at all the wildlife on Sanibel. In order to block development, Ding urged President Truman to sign an executive order creating the Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge in 1945. Although there are over 200 different species of birds in the refuge, they have their own version of the “Big 5” list: American White Pelican, Mangrove Cuckoo, Reddish Egret, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, and the Roseate Spoonbill. Ate lunch at RC Otters restaurant on Captiva Island and Sandy had Stone Crab for the first time. Very good.
25 years and 7 different homes in San Diego county. Really enjoyed living downtown, on the beach, on a golf course, and rural Rancho Santa Fe. Tried to mix it up and keep life fresh and interesting. Nevertheless, time for a change. We always liked moving around and exploring different communities, hence the attraction for the RV lifestyle.